Privacy and Data Protection Policy

The following document regulates the privacy and data protection policy from Cortimóveis - Comercialização e Fabricação Móveis, Lda., VAT number PT501358609, headquarters in Ponte do Cavaleiro, Cortes – 2410-854 Leiria, hereinafter called "CORTI".

In CORTI we respect the new guidelines for the Regulation (UE) 2016/679, also known as GDPR, from April 2016, regarding the protection of singular people in what concerns the treatment of data and the free circulation of these data and that repeals the Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation). In this privacy and data protection policy we inform you how we treat your data, how we use them, with whom we share them, the security measures we use to protect them as well as the options you have on how to update, cancel or oppose to the use of your data.

Your data can be used, with your consent, for sending commercial and/or institutional information as well as for marketing purposes. CORTI can hire other companies to provide services in the name of CORTI as, for example, website hostage, e-mail campaigns, sending information about new services and products. To these companies are provided only the necessary data for the service to be executed. The companies are prohibited to use the information for other purposes, acting as CORTI subcontractors.

CORTI can reveal the data if demanded by law or if, in good-faith, believe that it is necessary to (a) act according to the law; (b) protect and defend its rights; (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal security of its employees or staff, services users or partners. To update or delete your data, according to the law, you shall contact us by e-mail, to the following address

CORTI cares about the safety of your data. We use a variety of technologies and security procedures to help protect your data against unauthorized access, usage or disclosure.

The minimum period during which we will keep your data is of 2 years. When such period ends, and if there no information otherwise, we will delete your data.

Thank You

The Corti Team